Reminiscences of Earl James McGrath : oral history, 1967.
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There are 5 Entities related to this resource.
Grossner, Isabel S. (person)
Columbia University. Teachers College. (corporateBody)
McGrath, Earl J., 1902-1993 (person)
Dr. McGrath was appointed Commissioner of Education by President Harry S. Truman in 1949 and retained by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1953 Dr. McGrath resigned in protest over cuts in the Federal education budget....
American council on education (corporateBody)
Founded in 1918, the American Council on Education is a coordinating body for American institutions of higher education. From the guide to the American Council on Education Latin American Slide Collection N/A., 1945, (Benson Latin American Collection, The University of Texas at Austin) Founded in 1918, the American Council on Education (ACE) is the nation's unifying voice for higher education. ACE serves as a consensus leader on key higher education issues and seeks to influ...
Carnegie corporation of New York (corporateBody)
The World Center for Women's Archives was created by Mary Ritter Beard in 1936 to collect material on women in the United States and abroad on the grounds that without documents women would continue to be excluded from written history. A secondary purpose was to encourage research an teaching on women's history. The WCWA was disolved in 1941 due to financial problems, and the outbreak of World War II; collections were distributed to Radcliffe and Smith Colleges, and other universities and librar...